The interface of the plugin is a dialog that resembles the one implemented in ImageJ for batch macro execution. The only requirements are the Bio-Formats package and fiji-lib.jar (put them in the jar folder of ImageJ, or directly use Fiji.

To install SlideJ, just put it in the Plugins folder of ImageJ.

SlideJ has been developed with the partial support of the EU Marie Curie project AIDPATH, grant no. It is based on Bio-Formats, which already provides digital slide access, but SlideJ adds a layer of abstraction useful for many algorithms (though not all). SlideJ was created to provide a common framework for rapid prototyping of image processing and analysis of digital slides using ImageJ. At launch, a modal dialog is shown to configure the main execution parameters. SlideJ can be called directly from the ImageJ user interface, but as many other plugins, also from another macro. It works by splitting the slide in square tiles and iterating a user-configurable macro on each of them. NDPI, Mirax, Generic tiled TIFF and regular TIFF. SlideJ has been tested on slides in the following formats: Aperio.

SlideJ is an ImageJ plugin for processing digital slides (also known as virtual slides, WSI, etc).
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